A Long, LONG, time ago, a man and a woman were born at a very young age.
After many years of wandering through the Lowcountry of South Carolina, Dick and Laurel moved to Aiken to join her sister, Hope, and her husband, David. (Dick said it was cheaper than paying the ladies’ phone bills!) Along with their three daughters, Graham, Kelehear and Isabel, the Dickerson’s made Aiken their home.
Over the past 21 or so years, the Dickerson’s move enjoyed taking their family on road trips around the southeast, camping in the mountains, swimming in the Atlantic, football games in Columbia, and back to Hampton for the annual Watermelon Festival, to name a few. All the while, they loved sampling good food at family restaurants and remembering the things they liked about each one.
Both with entrepreneurial spirits, Dick and Laurel often joked about opening a wing restaurant. The rest is history.
The name? Well, they considered many, but every time they headed toward the restaurant during the build out they all used the line “I’m headed to the wing place.” Hence, it became the obvious choice.
Dick and Laurel both come from families of great cooks. All of the WingPlace recipes were developed in their very own kitchen and many brave friends have been guinea pigs over the past few years!
Many of you have entered as strangers but have left as our friends and extended family and we are so grateful.
As we have evolved over the past 7 years, many of you have “showed up” to lend a helping hand…or advice! We are so grateful…and thankful for the opportunity to call you part of the WingPlace family!
We hope you enjoy dining at our restaurants as much as we enjoy serving you.
Dick and Laurel